Energy Conservation Tips for Your Home’s Lighting
Brian ObernesserEnergy Conservation Techniques
Energy efficiency and conservation have been critical elements in interior design for some time now. At Color Cord Company, we’ve been at the forefront of the lighting industry’s changes for years, so it’s no surprise that we’re well versed in the energy conservation techniques you need to save on your energy bill and protect the environment. If you’re considering a transition to eco-friendly lighting, Color Cord Company can help. Explore our recommendations to discover simple tips you can start incorporating into your life today, as well as more intensive projects to help in the long run.

1. Changing Out Your Bulbs
If you have halogen or incandescent bulbs in your home, it might be time to consider LED lighting. In the past, people didn’t like the temperature and brightness available in LED bulbs, but today, you can find LEDs that mimic all sorts of warmer illumination and interior decor aesthetics.
LED lighting has long been touted as the greenest choice for your home, but why? This type of energy-conserving light bulb is incredibly energy efficient. They provide more light at a lower cost with less heat output than any other type of bulb. You’re essentially getting the same light output for about 85% less electricity. The only light bulb that comes close is CFL (compact fluorescent lamps), and they still aren’t as efficient as LEDs!
Whenever you get the chance, our top energy conservation technique is to swap out those energy-consuming bulbs for something much more efficient. Luckily, you don’t have to change all your lights out at once. Do one room at a time, or even one bulb at a time — whatever works for you.

2. Turning Off Lights
Another eco-friendly lighting tip from Color Cord Company that might be a little obvious is turning off the lights whenever you’re not in a room. As often as you’ve heard this one, you probably still walk into a room and realize you left the lights on hours ago! While flipping a switch sounds like the easiest thing in the world, some of us still can’t seem to make this a habit. Even energy conserving light bulbs can end up costing a bundle when you have the lights on at all hours of the day and night!
Use natural lighting during the day in areas where you have windows, and do your best to remember the lights whenever you leave a room. You should also be teaching this energy conservation technique to any little ones you have running around, too!
3. Dusting Frequently
This energy conservation technique might surprise you, but many people forget that a layer of dust can really cut down on the amount of light a bulb can offer. Get the most out of your lights when you make sure the bulbs are sparkling clean. You may even realize you can do with slightly dimmer lights now that your bulbs are illuminating your space as efficiently as possible!
4. Using Task Lighting

Appropriate home lighting is all about layering. There are three different types of light, including ambient, task, and accent. When all three are available in your home, you can turn on just the switches you need for the task at hand. With the appropriately named task lighting, you have eco-friendly lighting that illuminates just the area where you’re working. You don’t need the entire room lit up if you’re studying at your desk! Turn on a lamp or pendant light to conserve energy.

5. Lamps in Corners
Why place lamps in the corners of the room? With a lamp or wall-mounted fixture in the corner, the light can bounce off two potentially reflective wall surfaces and cover the entire room. With this energy conservation technique, you can use fewer lights overall and create the perfect reading nook task lighting at the same time!
6. Light Colored Walls
Not every energy conservation technique has to do with your light bulbs. Changing the colors of your walls and curtains can also make a big difference. Light reflects much better off the lighter tints of your home decor so that you can use lower-wattage light bulbs and fewer bulbs. You can even opt for paints with high reflective values to maximize what lighting you do have!
7. Dimmers & Timers
Both dimmers and timers can help you with energy conservation techniques! Dimmers allow you to modulate the brightness of your bulbs, so you’re using just what you need, while timers ensure that your lights are always off when they need to be — even if you accidentally left them on when you walked out the door. Dimmers and timers generally run off smart lighting options, so consider smart bulbs, plugs, and switches for your home!
Ready to start putting these tips to good use? Consider using Color Cord Company as your first choice for energy-efficient bulbs, smart lighting, and more!